Thursday, February 20, 2020

Post debate observations

     Despite many on the left who advocate not watching the candidate debates, I have decided it is my civic duty to torture myself.   Sifting through 2 hours of poorly worded questions and scripted, talking point answers it is hard to find anything which would make me proud of American democracy, circa 2020.
     The questioners, led by the execrable Chuck Todd were less interested in policy than trying to spark verbal fireworks among the candidates, especially directed at Mike Bloomberg, the new kid on the block.  It wasn't a pretty sight.
     My take is Liz Warren had a pretty good night, although it seems a lot of people are turned off by a woman who commands the stage and who proves more than a match for any man out there.  Bloomberg pretty much flipped everyone off when they challenged his unorthodox path to the nomination.   Bernie was even more cranky than usual and it doesn't wear well.  Biden looks like somebody's uncle who wandered on to the stage.  Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar got bogged down in a spat over their respective experiences and it wasn't a good look.  
     This thing is going to drag out as  long as the candidates remain funded, unless Bernie can deliver a knockout in the next couple of contests.   It remains to be seen if Bloomberg's billions can make voters forget a lifetime of misogyny and racism.   Altogether it was a somewhat dispiriting couple of hours and i wish I felt more uplifted.

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