Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Gross stupidity

     If Iowa truly wanted to address its unwieldy and unrepresentative caucus system in a positive way, the state democratic party failed miserably last night.   After being assured we would have results by 9 p.m on Monday, a supposed "glitch" in an app managed to collapse the whole system.   This lead to Mayor Pete declaring victory apropos of nothing.
    Taunting the rest of the country for months with its first in the nation status, Iowa is the poster child for least likely to represent the democratic party.  94% white and aging, it has held on to its status by convincing the media and the national party it is a bellwether.  Meanwhile, more representative states like Florida, Texas and California are left with a choice of which old white man the democrats will put up against the GOP's old white man. This is madness and it needs to be addressed before the next election.

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