Thursday, February 27, 2020

Heckuva job, Brownie

     With those immortal words, the Shrub began the Hurricane Katrina response which will forever define his administration as one of the most incompetent in history.  I was reminded of that fiasco as i watched the current president* contradict a couple of experts on infectious disease regarding the coronavirus during a press briefing last night.   Our dear leader was trying to quell the increasing panic in financial markets as the specter of mass factory closings and disruption of worldwide supply chains wiped out all market gains for last year and this.  
     George Bush enforced a personnel policy which valued loyalty to the republican party above competence.  Fortunately for us, there was at that time a number of competent republicans in government, although a fair number of idiots and ideologues were appointed.  tRump is choosing from a much smaller pool of applicants for government jobs since his guiding principle is loyalty to tRump.  He puts fealty to him above party and country.  The results so far include a short staffed government and increasing numbers of young opportunists without a job history who are willing to do obeisance to tRump in return for lucrative and important jobs they are not qualified to do.
      We may soon find out if the coronavirus panic is tRump's Katrina.   Aside from the Hurricane Maria debacle in Puerto Rico, this administration has not faced a stern test.  If that response is a comparable to what we can expect now, I think I will lay in a supply of Holy Water.

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