Thursday, February 6, 2020

Profile in courage

    Knowing the amount of abuse he was assuredly going to endure must have been on Mitt Romney's mind before he went onto the Senate floor and explained why he would later vote to impeach the president* for abuse of power.   He was the lone republican senator to vote against tRump.
    The poo flinging monkeys were immediately out in force, the president*s son demanding Romney be kicked out of the party and others suggesting worse fates.   Alone among his GOP  compatriots, Romney not only acknowledged the commander in chief's wrongdoing but also called for the sanction of impeachment and removal from office.   If even one other republican had called for the same penalty, Romney's gesture would have been overlooked.  Instead, he finds himself a villain and a hero.
     I have never been a fan of Mitten's.  His cavalier assessment of 47% of population as dependent on government and indentured to the democratic party caused me to lose whatever respect I had for the man.  However, his courage in voting his conscience in this debacle has rehabilitated him in my eyes, at least until he votes for the confirmation of the next fascist up for a lifetime judgeship.

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