Thursday, February 13, 2020


     If you consume liberal and conservative media, you are probably wondering who is  sounding the correct note over the last 24 hours.    On the one hand, more liberal outlets like MSNBC and CNN are running around with their hair on fire claiming tRump is destroying the rule of law in the country.  On the conservative side it is either crickets or an apologist saying the president* has every right to subvert the DOJ in order to lessen the sentence Roger Stone is likely to get for lying to Congress, obstructing justice and witness tampering.
     Whichever side you come down on, the other side looks ridiculous.   This is going to become the norm as we enter fully into the election season and tRump becomes increasingly unhinged and uncontrollable.  The conservative/authoritarian mind will continue to justify his behavior, while the liberal/democratic mind will continue to be horrified by our descent into totalitarianism.  Meanwhile, Putin smiles and continues to pull the strings to make Cheetolini dance to his tune.

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