Friday, February 14, 2020

Living and dying with dignity

     Should Cheetolini manage to get re-elected this year and worse yet restore republican control of the House, things are going to get drastically worse for those on Medicaid, especially those in nursing homes.
      Republicans are already looking to cut Medicaid and many fiscally strapped states would go along with new restrictions on eligibility.  However, that does not acknowledge the 500 lb. gorilla in the room,  the tsunami of elderly patients who have exhausted their personal wealth and have defacto become wards of the state.  
     I don't know about other states, but in our area in upstate New York, nursing home care can run to $14,000.00 per month.   that is $168,000/year.   Many seniors retired decades ago, when that much money was considered a princely sum.   Without long term care insurance, most seniors wind up with no assests in short order.   What will happen to them if New York cuts the amount they will pay for these people?   It is an issue anyone with elderly parents will probably have to deal with at some point.  

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