Friday, February 7, 2020

There you go again

       One of the more traumatic phrases I have ever heard was Ronald Reagan's rejoinder to Jimmy Carter's accusation he was against Medicare and Social Security (spoiler alert;  he was).  "There you go again" was one of the factors which cost Carter the election.  It also led to the "Reagan Revolution" which exacerbated the inequalities among us and led to the 1% controlling more wealth than the bottom 50%.
      I was reminded of this episode while watching a few minutes of the hate filled tirade of post acquittal tRump.  Reveling in his new found freedom, he spewed venom on everyone he felt caused his impeachment, from Nancy Pelosi to James Comey to Adam Schiff.  Of course he didn't dwell on the person responsible for shaking down an allied government in an effort to manufacture dirt on a political opponent.
      The orange buffoon is actually the anti-Reagan or at least the culmination of republican devolution from the genial but single minded Gipper to the foul  mouthed fulminations of our current president*.   I can't even scold the American electorate for this travesty.  in 5 of the last 6 presidential elections they have voted for the democrat, although thanks to an electoral college which accords extra power to rural and overwhelmingly white voters we had to endure two terms for the Shrub and now the latest excuse for a human being who torments our country.   "There you go again" is going to sound positively profound compared to what we will be subjected to in the coming campaign for America's soul.  I hope we are prepared for the onslaught.

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