Wednesday, February 26, 2020

More of the same

      I confess I could barely watch the democratic primary debate last night.  Every time I tuned in the vibe was that of a 3rd grade class which just came in from recess and wanted to continue to play a very loud and raucous verbal game.   The moderators needed to channel their inner Sister Mary Elephant, but they failed.    The result was everyone on the stage, especially the marginal players, shouting over each other and helping the GOP's attack ads take shape.
     From what I could see, Bernie more than held his own, although in typical grumpy uncle fashion he chastised the audience when he got booed a couple of times.   I have a feeling he will come out of Super Tuesday with a commanding lead.   Everyone else on the stage, except for Bloomberg and his billions is nearly out of time.  Without a decent haul of delegates on Tuesday the rest of the candidates will have to withdraw.   It will be interesting to see who they throw their support to.

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