Monday, February 24, 2020

The guy you love to hate

    Bernie mania is sweeping the country!   That is the message being promulgated by the Morning Joe crowd as they wring their hands and declare the imminent demise of democracy if Sanders gets the democratic nomination for president.   Cable news is rapidly becoming the biggest forum of the "anybody but Bernie" movement.  For most of the pundits, it's really " only Mike Bloomberg can beat tRump".   That's their story and they are sticking to it.
     Many democrats of a certain age are indelibly scarred by the specter of George McGovern.   I  watched in abject horror in 1972 as the idealistic senator from South Dakota was buried by Tricky Dick.   Many of us feel an atavistic fear of a similar event in 2020, although Bernie has a highly motivated base and will likely pull in most democrats.   The margins may be smaller than 1972, but barring a crisis on the order of Hurricane Katrina which would expose the gross incompetence of the present administration, the result would be the same as 1972.  Worse yet, many downballot races could go against us as well, resulting in a mandate for republicans to lay waste to the social safety net.  
       If Bernie is the nominee, we must not merely hold our noses and vote for him.    Come the convention this summer, we may all be Bernie Bro's, and we better be prepared to act that way.

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