Monday, March 2, 2020

This is it?

     I was going to write about the dawning of meteorological spring here in the North Country where it still looks a lot like spring and how I planted the first seeds of the new season.   But then I reflected on the evolving political situation and felt I needed to use the space for commentary on that situation.
     Mayor Pete and Tom Steyer have dropped out of the presidential race and somehow we have gotten down to a couple of capable women who are hanging on by their fingernails and 3 old white dudes.    Despite the fact we have barely started to count actual votes in the nomination process, the media has decided we need to focus on 3 men who will shortly celebrate 8 decades of life on this earth.  
      Bernie has pretty much proven that as far as base popularity, he is the tRump of the left with a fanatical base of about 30% of the electorate.   So far he has not been able to muster the huge numbers of young voters he claims are out there and willing to vote for "revolution".   In fact the voters who showed up in the South Carolina primary were overwhelmingly older voters who clearly preferred Joe Biden.  
      Biden to me is a scary proposition.  Never the sharpest tool in the shed, he seems to be getting more delusional as this race goes on.   Unfortunately, in the age of tRump, delusional thinking and pathological lying are no longer disqualifying traits in a president, so the media can continue to pump Biden unless/until he does something really horrifying.
     The last of the killer Bees,  Mike Bloomberg will continue his personal jihad against the unwashed masses for as long as his well paid campaign staffers continue to fluff his massive ego.   This includes declaring an independent run for the presidency if Sanders is nominated by the Dems.   Imagine Ross Perot on Steroids.
      Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar are both vastly preferable to the old white dudes, but the media has decided a woman can't win against Cheetolini and they are being showered with 'if only they were white men" type stories.   I think against a normal republican in a normal year they would be running far more strongly.
       So, this is where we are.

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