Friday, March 6, 2020

She coulda been a contender

      Elizabeth Warren gave a valedictory on Rachel Maddow's show last night and it was a joy and yet painful to watch.   That an omnicompetent woman was willing and able to serve her country in its highest office gives me hope we will see  a female president in my lifetime.  That Warren will be denied the opportunity mostly because she presented a no nonsense, well qualified resume' which put her male counterparts is a testament to the patriarchy which America continues to validate.
      From a young nephew comes perhaps the least offensive critique.   He claims she was a shrill, unlikable woman who waved her finger in your face.   I'm sure millions of other men felt the same response to the person with a plan for everything.   What is even more heartbreaking is the millions of non college educated women who will seemingly settle for a doddering pol from the old school because they somehow feel Warren didn't connect with them.  I have news for you, ladies, I want the smartest person in the room as my leader.  
     Her voice broke a little as she remembered all the little girls she told that running for president is "what girls do".   Now those girls will have to wait another 4 years for the possibility.  
     Maybe, as one pundit opined, we need someone who projects a little less perfection.  We have elected many men over the years who were a hot mess in one way or another.  Perhaps if she had been a little less prepared the American public could have empathized with the Senator Professor a bit more.   I think it is more complicated than that, but I feel we passed on a chance to right the sinking ship which is the American experiment.  I hope we survive the next 4 years.

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