Tuesday, March 3, 2020

24 hours later

       So, in an abrupt move which must have shaken their supporters, both Mayor Pete and Amy Klobuchar have suspended their presidential campaigns and thrown their support to Joe Biden.  Biden also garnered the endorsement of another killer B, Beto O'Rourke.  All three newly minted supporters appeared at a rally in Dallas in anticipation of Super Tuesday.
      As I opined yesterday, Biden is a creaky old democratic pol who has been chasing the dream of being president for 30 years.  If not for the reflected glory of Barack Obama, he would have faded into retirement years ago.  However, the potent association with the 44th president inspired black South Carolinians to overlook many of the racist policies Biden has backed over the years and give him a resounding victory in their primary.  This caused the party establishment to evidently persuade Buttegieg and Klobuchar to abandon their campaigns and unite against the specter of a Bernie Sanders candidacy.
     Just like that, we are down to 4 candidates and after today's voter input who knows?   As H L Mencken is credited with saying, "You'll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".  I think we are about to test that assertion.

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