Monday, March 23, 2020

What's goin on

    Marvin Gaye's plaintive cry from the 60s is still relevant today as we watch an incompetent president* and his party's Senate majority steer relief from the economic ravages of the coronavirus to their usual suspects, leaving a majority of Americans in dire financial straits.
     Mitch McConnell has specialized in non governance ever since he led the GOP to become the party of "no" at the outset of the Obama administration.   In the midst of an economic crisis, he put the brakes on any legislation the Democrats tried to pass, making them use their overwhelming majorities in the House and Senate to pass bills addressing the crisis and denying them the bipartisan label Obama had promised.
    Now it is time for republicans to stand up and lead the charge to relieve the 10s of millions of citizens caught in an economic maelstrom brought about by the coronavirus.  Instead, they want to authorize a 500 billion dollar slush fund tRump can use to reward his friends and punish his enemies while delivering a $1200 one time payment to most Americans.  Of course when you specialize in opposition to governance, the actual exercise of the power to make our lives better may well be beyond the GOP's capabilities.  Meanwhile, Nancy Pelosi and house democrats will have their say in negotiations with the Senate.

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