Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Beyond belief

     The latest news coming out of Washington is by turns uplifting and infuriating.   It looks like Congress mostly under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer is about to approve a massive relief bill for ordinary Americans during this time of crisis.   After making an attempt to hijack the legislation to help corporations, it looks like republicans will go along with democrats and allow for the aid to be spread more equitably.
    Meanwhile, many housebound citizens are treated to a daily dose of potent ignorance by our commander in chief.   Now, against the advice of his medical experts he is planning for "packed churches from coast to coast" for Easter.  According to best evidence, this would result in a healthcare holocaust and probably a million or more unnecessary deaths from covid 19.  Fortunately, tRump doesn't have the authority to cancel the shelter in place orders of many of the nation's governors.  Unfortunately, his bully pulpit is likely to convince many of his supporters he knows more than the experts and so they will literally pack churches in states without social distancing orders in place.  The dangerous lunatic in the White House is liable to cause more deaths in the coming months than the nation suffered in WW2 and his poll numbers are going up.  It seems his credulous fans are willing to believe virtually any nonsense he spews if it owns the libs, or in this case the experts who are calling for caution in the face of a pandemic.
     I know many thoughtful, generous people, but after seeing the president* act like the addled senior he so evidently is, I am becoming convinced a plurality of the American public is either willfully blind or incredibly stupid.  I don't know which is worse.

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