Tuesday, March 24, 2020

The stupidity of low expectations

      I watched a few minutes of the president's* latest attempt to calm the nation, but my gag reflex cut in and I had to turn off the TV.   It seems 7 days of self quarantine has already tried tRump's patience to the breaking point.   I gather he went on to say "The cure cannot be worse than the problem."  This was the line put up by a Faux News commentator who seemed stoically ready to sacrifice up to a million elderly Americans on the altar of economic necessity.
     Compare today's republican party's answer to the dislocations caused by the coronavirus with that of the UK's conservative tories.   The GOP wants to shovel cash into the maws of the country's largest corporations with virtually no strings attached.  The Tories passed a bill guaranteeing up to 80% of displaced workers' salaries for the duration of the crisis.  The republican party in the US has become nearly as reactionary as is possible in a putative democracy.   This fact has to be baked into any democratic response to McConnell's merry band of nihilists.

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