Monday, March 9, 2020

Things are getting real

      For any American invested in the stock market either directly or through a retirement plan, today will probably not be a good day to check the market.   As I write this, European markets are down more than 6% and the futures markets here are set to open 5% below Friday's close.   Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic financial markets around the world have lost 9 trillion dollars of value.
     Meanwhile, oil prices have plunged 30% as the Saudis and the Russians battle for a diminished share of lagging demand.   As all this happens, our dear leader is in Palm Beach playing golf.  The mind boggles.   As one pundit put it, he wouldn't be surprised if many in corporate America suddenly decide we are in a constitutional crisis!   Kids in cages and semi-treasonous actions in Ukraine didn't move them, but losing the one thing for which they were willing to put up with our cretinous president, the stock market rally, will probably revive calls for tRump's ouster.
     On a personal note, I will be undergoing shoulder surgery later today and will be unable to ply a keyboard for a week to 10 days, so for the precious few who follow my maunderings, I promise I will be back!

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