Friday, March 27, 2020

The new normal

     As we come to the end of our second week of coronavirus quarantine, the Divine Mrs. M and I have slid into a routine very similar to what we experienced before Covid 19 became a household word.   Despite the handicaps imposed by my recent shoulder surgery, I have continued my work as a produce broker which keeps me from fretting too much about my inability to do very much gardening in the short term.
     The aforementioned Mrs. M has had a rockier ride so far.   Her mother passed away on the 13th and with the advent of "social distancing" she was unable to give or receive the tactile embraces which are part of the grieving process.   In a daring move, she accompanied the local funeral director as they delivered her mother's remains to the burial site on Long Island, making the round trip journey in just 12 and a half hours!   It seems even grief and mourning are being put on hold by the virus.
     Despite face time and all the modern computer wizardry we miss interacting with our children and grandchildren.   But none of them wants to be the one who puts Nana or Pop in the hospital, so we will have to deal with the situation for now.
     One thing we continue to do is obsess about the vacuum of leadership that emanates from the White House.   We cannot  watch the daily gusher of lies Cheetolini continues to foist on a seemingly gullible American public, although as the body count rises and hospitals burst at the seams a reckoning may be on the way.

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