Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Same as it always was

     After last night's carnage, it looks like we'll be treated to a two man cage match between 2 white septuagenarians for the right to challenge Cheetolini this fall.  Some rumors have Bloomberg suspending his campaign in light of his abysmal showing in most Super Tuesday states and the hands down best candidate in the field, Elizabeth Warren will probably have to drop out also.  She was unable to win her home state of Massachusetts.
     Bernie and his revolution mostly flamed out last night.  He was unable to produce the surge of new voters which if these supposedly hungry young people had actually showed up would have powered him to victory in places like Texas.   I guess being lectured by a grumpy old white man wasn't enough to motivate them.   Instead, we are faced with the increasingly likely possibility that we will have to hold our noses and vote for a doddering old pol whose main and probably only qualification for the office he seeks is 8 years as Obama's sidekick.   I doubt the 44th president is particularly happy with this outcome.   Thanks Obama!

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