Friday, March 20, 2020

10 days later

     It has been a horrendous 10 days since I last posted.   3 days after my shoulder surgery my mother in law passed away.  She was a grand old lady who didn't deserve the last few years of suffering she endured due to complications from dementia.    Making funeral and burial arrangements in the midst of a pandemic are not for the squeamish, however, the Divine Mrs. M rose to the challenge.  Her valiant efforts included riding shotgun on the van delivering her mother's remains to long Island for interment.   Practicing social distancing during a funeral service  for your mother or grandmother is inconceivably hard.
     Meanwhile, Cheetolini and his minions continue to make decisions which will undoubtedly cost lives and undermine our society.   After downplaying the coronavirus as a "democratic hoax" he made an abrupt about face, but even now you can see he is only doing the daily briefings because he is an attention whore who believes he is the best spokesman for his chaotic administration.   Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most prominent expert in the administration has been sidelined probably due to his inconvenient contradictions of tRump's happy talk concerning the virus.
     The stock market, which is the president's* main claim as evidence of his competency just gave back all of the gains since his inauguration.   Everyone has a year's supply of toilet paper in their basement or garage and is now on the lookout for the next item to hoard.   Unemployment could reach 20% or more in coming weeks as businesses shut down.   Congress will probably go into gridlock as Dems fight for ordinary people which Repubs look for ways to line rich donors' pockets.  Scandals are brewing amid charges senators on the intel committee sold stocks after briefings about the severity of the coming crisis.   This happened in early February.   Instead of shouting from the rooftops about the coming conflagration,, Richard Burr, Diane Feinstein and others profited and then kept quiet.   Profiles in courage indeed.
      We continue to hunker down in our homes hoping the virus will miss us.   Does anyone have a little lamb's blood on hand?

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