Monday, March 30, 2020


      According to ratings, the tRump live, coronavirus press briefings are attracting about 8.5 million pairs of eyeballs each day.  That's on a par with the finale of the latest "Bachelor" reality TV show.  Even though the major networks are not carrying the president's* fairytale hour live, enough Cable networks are to keep the ratings up.  tRump knows he has to keep amping up the crazy to keep the rubes tuned in, so he picks fights with governors, brags about his wonderful decisions and keeps the experts on just long enough to keep Faux News from questioning his motives.  The rest of the world must think we have lost our collective mind.  Oh, wait...
     Many states are hurtling toward worst case scenarios when it comes to the pandemic.  if large states like Florida and Texas continue to resist major shutdowns of their economies, they could wind up with over half a million deaths in just those two states.  The wild card in all these estimates is whether the warmer weather in the south will cause the coronavirus to become seasonally less active.  If this happens, southern governors who ignored prudent advice will become even more vulnerable this fall when the virus again becomes more potent.  Without a vaccine, the only thing slowing the spread of the virus is social distancing.
     One ray of hope, assuming elections will actually be held this fall, is even the proverbial ham sandwich would beat tRump by up to nine points.   Even more galling, if Joe Biden puts Elizabeth Warren on the ticket he still beats Cheetolini by nine!   Democrats need to move the country to a full mail in ballot election while there is still time to ramp up the infrastructure.   A true election by mail will ensure there can be no electronic tampering by bad actors.

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