Thursday, March 5, 2020

More in Sorrow than anger

     The blog's title is my takeaway from last night's interview on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show".    Rachel gave Bernie Sanders every opportunity to put a good spin on what was a devastating Super Tuesday.   Bernie lost Minnesota, Virginia and even liberal Massachusetts to a warmed over ancient pol whose only claim to fame was the good fortune of being picked as Obama's running mate.
     Naturally, Sanders wanted to push the conspiracy narrative.   Besides being opposed by corporations in general and specifically Big Pharma and the Fossil Fuel industry, Bernie is now opposed by the "Democratic Establishment".   Fine, says Rachel, but what about the huge turnouts of young people you promised would power your campaign?
     Maddow then went on to present the data, which showed less young voter turnout in virtually every primary state.   The biggest increase was suburbanites and they overwhelmingly supported Biden.     Sanders reply was we'll do better in the general election.  Sorry Bernie, that's not going to cut it.   At one point, Rachel virtually pleaded with Sanders to somehow validate his theories of increased turnout or at least tell her how he was going to turn things around in upcoming primary states.   Again, "We're going to do better" was the reply.
    As I have stated many times before, Elizabeth Warren is my first choice in this election, but if she is not on the ballot when New York votes, I will vote for Bernie.  I just hope this interview was a wake up call for the cranky senator from Vermont.  It seems his schtick works well in Vermont, but unless he can motivate the huge pool of millennials and Gen Z to come out and support his vision of America's future, the slogan for 2020  won't be "Feel the Bern", but , "Any Blue will Do".
     I know I'm going to take some heat from Sanders fans who read this blog (I'm looking at you, Neil), but Bernie needs to drop the conspiracy theories and get out the huge pool of potential supporters who want Medicare for All, etc., but are thus far not motivated enough to vote for the avatar of these policies.   Let's hope he got the message.

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