Friday, March 1, 2019

And so it goes

Hard on the heels of Michael Cohen's testimony regarding The Donald and his alleged complicity with his BFF Vlad, we have newer scandals involving the next generation.   Son-in-Law in chief Jared Kushner was granted the highest security clearance in the government by the president* after being turned down by career bureaucrats in charge of the process.  Meanwhile, Daughter-in-chief Ivanka tells the great unwashed masses they really want to work for whatever success they may achieve.  This, in response to the aspirational Green New Deal which promises every American who wants to work a job.  Tone deaf does not even begin to describe someone who's entire adult life has been built on trading in the cachet of her father's name (although the utility of doing that may be somewhat devalued in the future!).   I can only imagine what the next generation of tRumpies will do with the enormous wealth they have become accustomed to.  And so it goes.....

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