Friday, March 8, 2019

Cue the deserved outrage

While I'm sure most of the 3 or 4 people who might read this blog know the name Paul Manafort, I'm betting that a plurality of the population have no idea of who he is and what crimes he was convicted of.  I may be wrong, depending on the coverage of Faux News, but I doubt it.  Suffice to say, if he wasn't Cheeto Jesus' campaign manager for a few months in 2016, he might have lived out his criminal life in obscurity.  However, he put himself in the crosshairs of the Special Prosecutor and crimes he committed that were unrelated to the investigation into Russian meddling in our elections were discovered and duly prosecuted.  The judge in this case, instead of "throwing the book" at Manafort for the white collar crimes he committed, essentially threw the book away and after telling everyone he "lived a blameless life" ( except for bank fraud, tax evasion, and sundry other crimes) he ignored the sentencing guidelines and gave this disgraced felon 47 months in the slammer.  Fortunately for justice, he will be sentenced next week for crimes in another jurisdiction and the judge is likely to correct Judge Ellis' miscarriage.   The point is Manafort's sentence reflects the prevailing attitude that rich white men deserve a different kind of justice than the rest of us.  Committing crimes while being white is obviously the opposite of doing anything while being black (or fill in the appropriate class, gender or race).  The final disposition of this case will probably be a presidential* pardon, because as our fearless leader has already opined, "He's  a very good man".  Whose goodness mainly comes from his observance of omerta regarding the president*.

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