Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Damned if you do...

In a statement guaranteed to animate the pearl clutchers on both sides, Nancy Pelosi said she is not in favor of impeachment unless there is overwhelming evidence of crime and it is a bipartisan movement to hold the president* accountable.   Of course liberals were outraged, claiming there is ample, compelling evidence of "high crimes and misdemeanors" committed by The Donald.   As one host on MSNBC opined it is evidently the duty of democrats to go it alone and show the world their purity of purpose.  After the failure of said impeachment with the associated political costs, the same host would opine dems should have known the process was flawed and ultimately a fool's errand.  The GOP had a different take on Pelosi's announcement.  They are united in the opinion there is obviously no evidence to back an impeachment.  Amplified by the megaphone of Faux News, they are preaching to a choir containing as much as 35% of the population.  As Nancy Smash rightly calculates, the effect of impeachment would be to tear the country apart without the buy-in of republicans.   Democrats will continue to use their committee chairmanships to showcase administration wrongdoing as the electorate gears up for the 2020 elections.  Even the most obdurate fan of Cheeto Jesus is likely to be affected by the constant drumbeat of scandal being unearthed.  I think Pelosi's strategy is the most likely one to succeed against this lawless administration and the putrefied excuse for a human being who leads it.

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