Thursday, March 7, 2019


There isn't a lot going on in the democratic presidential sweepstakes.  The media has duly welcomed each potential nominee with a litany of their weaknesses in a faceoff with the president* in 2020.  However, the horserace handicappers are salivating at the prospect of vetting  a couple of pols who haven't yet declared.  Beto O'Rourke and Joe Biden have been coy about their intentions, but both are stockpiling staff and assuring would be supporters they are actively considering running.  Beto still has plenty of time to run in 2024 or even later.  Biden, on the other hand is 76 and would likely be the oldest candidate to ever run for president.  He also carries a staggering amount of baggage and several failed candidacies.  As an elderly white man, Biden will have to live with his opposition to bussing for racial balance in schools, his mean spirited dismissal of Anita Hill's complaints about Clarence Thomas and many other positions which would have looked normal to the electorate 40 years ago.  However, most of us on the democratic side have moved on.  I don't know if Biden has any honest people advising him, but I hope someone is telling him the best thing he can do in terms of his legacy is to loudly support the eventual democratic nominee from the sidelines.

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