Monday, March 4, 2019

Trolling the Libs

David Leonhardt of the NYT thinks the democrats should tone down the lefty rhetoric and appeal to the "moderate" voter who will supposedly elect the next president.  Obviously Leonhardt didn't check the political ID of voters who participated in the massive dem victory in the last election.  Young voters, women, especially women of color and older economically secure liberals like yours truly combined to power the takeover of the House.  Most of these voters are ready to buy what Bernie, Kamala, Kirsten and other so called "socialists" are selling.  Universal health care, enhanced social security, low or no cost college tuition are popular with all democrats and many on the supposed right who only vote that way because of issues such as abortion.   Upper class columnists at papers like the NYT  love  to chase the non-existent so called "moderate voter"  who exists mainly in their imaginations.  The 40% of the population who say they will vote for tRump in 2020 wouldn't  vote for a democrat no matter what policies they favor, so we might as well have a candidate who appeals to the core of what it means to be a democrat.

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