Monday, March 18, 2019


Over 50 people dead in New Zealand after an islamophobic white supremacist from Australia went on a killing spree at 2 mosques.   After waiting too long, our president* sent his "warmest sympathies to the people of New Zealand.  What doses that even mean?  When asked if the killer's citation of tRump as an inspiration was troubling, Cheetolini's spokesman Mercedes Schlapp could only stammer that it was wrong to say the "deranged gunman" was influenced by the world's most powerful hater.  I find it intriguing that muslim shooters are always described as terrorists, while whites who do the exact same thing are always considered mentally ill.  White supremacy is an ideology as surely as Christianity is a religion.  One gives cover to the other.  It's time for all white Christians who truly believe in the gospel to call out and condemn the white supremacists who use the religion of peace and forgiveness to advance a hate filled and murderous agenda.  It needs to start from the top.

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