Thursday, March 14, 2019

Paulie and the modern GOP

Paulie got another sentence yesterday, boosting his total to 7.5 years in the slammer.  On top of that, the Manhattan D.A. brought state charges of mortgage fraud against him, effectively nullifying the president's* ability to pardon Manafort.  So, this "very good man" who led an "otherwise blameless life" is the latest casualty of the Mueller investigation.  Paulie may have more to answer for when the final indictments are issued.  Despite his lawyer braying "no collusion" from the courthouse steps, it remains to be seen what Mueller has regarding various meetings where said collusion was discussed.  In any case, Cheeto Jesus will likely be getting even less sleep in the coming months.  So, tRump's campaign manager is headed to jail, his national security advisor will be sentenced in the coming months and Paulie's assistant, Rick Gates will also be checking into a crowbar hotel in the near future.  Play along with me.  If the Obama administration had produced this many convicted felons, or even one for that matter, how would republicans have reacted?  I rest my case.

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