Friday, March 15, 2019

Killer Bees

Beto, Biden, Booker, Bernie and Buttigieg.  Beto is the latest B to throw his hat in the dem presidential ring.  Before going any further, I stipulate I will support whoever wins the nomination.  That being said, I will not donate a penny to Mr. O'Rourke unless and until he comes up with a better reason to vote for him other than being the coolest kid in the class.  I know the pundits are agog at the moment because Beto can move a crowd as well as Cheetolini but without appealing to its basest instincts.  Beyond that, however, the congressman from El Paso seems not to have a coherent narrative as to how he will deal with the mess he will have to clean up after the present resident of the White House is evicted.  As citizens of the world, we face unprecedented challenges in the next decade and we need someone who not only grasps that idea but who has the wit and wisdom to deal with them.   Offering platitudes about "bringing us together" and reaching across the aisle might have worked before the existential crisis of climate change, but with only one political party even acknowledging the problems we face, we need someone who not only excites us but also encourages all of us to bring our best natures to the fore.  Personally, I am supporting Elizabeth Warren for president.  She at least has a policy agenda which lays out a strategy to solve our most pressing problems. Beto might make a good VP candidate if he gets his act together.

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