Thursday, March 28, 2019

What's next

After a brief period of unthinking acceptance of the Barr memo's "total exoneration" of the president*, most of the media, Faux News excepted, have begun the drumbeat demanding the release of the entire Mueller report.  I believe Cheetolini and his advisors thought the 4 page exculpatory massage of Mueller's conclusions would be enough to quiet the masses.  His decision to try to kill Obamacare in the courts by instructing the DOJ to not defend the law may have been designed to deflect our attention with another shiny object.  However, unlike the Trumpanzees, most of us can walk and chew gum at the same time and we will be defending health care and demanding the release of the report at the same time.  tRump and his enablers are trying the same end run around the process as he employed on the question of the release of his tax returns.  First, they would be released as soon as the non existent audit was finished, then he declared no one really cared if he released them or not.  We will hear the same story regarding Mueller's findings.  Barr will release a heavily redacted summary in the coming weeks and The Donald will claim that's all there is to see and only the librul media would be corrupt enough to insist on seeing the whole report.  What we really need is a Daniel Ellsburg who will smuggle the original report out of the DOJ and get it to the NYT or the Washington Post ala the Pentagon papers.  That would be true patriotism in action.

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