Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Good Cop/Bad Cop

Now that the Barr Memo has been out for a couple of days, the president* is telling us he has no problem with the entire Mueller report being released to the public.  A commenter with more snark than yours truly would add he also said he had no problem releasing his taxes and doing a personal interview with Bob Mueller.  We know how those proclamations worked out.  I think what will happen in the next few weeks as the GOP and its enablers continue their chest beating denigration of anyone who questions Barr's essential honesty.  The attorney general will patiently explain that the report must be extensively vetted before it eventual release.  Then small sections of the report with the least damaging evidence will be released so Faux News can exult in Cheetolini's innocence.  By the time the most incriminating stuff is released it will be so heavily redacted as to be meaningless and tRump's defenders will say it is time to move on to more weighty matters, like taking health care away from the poors or installing more child containment units (i.e.- cages) at the border.  Welcome to America circa 2019.

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