Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The selfish ape

Whether you dispute the theory of evolution or not, no one can dispute we are a selfish and litigious species.  Our social organization began with tribes and as the climate apocalypse bears down on us it looks like we are becoming more tribal once again.   The Green New Deal has been touted by many as the project that will reverse or at least halt climate change.  But when you look for specifics, there are none.  So far, no one has been asked to sacrifice anything for the cause.  Those who crafted the  policies which undergird the GND know the minute they get into specifics, support, even on the left, will disappear.   I would love to have an electric car and a solar house, but I also want to keep living the energy profligate lifestyle my present car and house represent.  I know my grandchildren will be dealing with weather conditions I probably can't imagine, but unless all my fellow primates agree to the sacrifices necessary to achieve a carbon neutral goal, it won't happen.  Kevin Drum neatly sums up the argument against the grand, top down strategy requiring sacrifice by noting that we have been touting plans like the GND for more than 20 years and have nothing to show for it.  As he says, the only way climate action will occur is if it doesn't cost anything.  He mentions a massive R&D program to develop new technologies.  That might be something even republicans will get behind, especially if it is developed with public funds and given free to corporations to sell.  That's the kind of "democratic socialism" the GOP supports.  An appeal to our selfish natures may be the only way to save the planet.

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