Monday, March 11, 2019

Hold on

The revelations of the tRump presidential campaign's law breaking are starting to pile up and forcing both democrats and republicans to reckon with the results.  The Mueller report is still not complete, despite the drumbeat of "any day now" from the media and those who would benefit from the findings being exposed while the 2020 election is still 2 years away.   The shady ties among some of the Super PACs which supported tRump with Manafort are steadily being revealed and it is looking more and more like a conspiracy.  The campaign polling data and possibly even voter rolls shared with the Russian troll farms may very well have led to Cheeto Jesus razor thin wins in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania which in turn led to his electoral college victory.  That The Donald and his corrupt family may have never received a quid pro quo from Putin does not change the equation.  Having to show a benefit for having engaged in a conspiracy does not protect you from the charge.  Ironically the failure of tRump to actually get rich from the tRump Moscow Tower scam may actually sway the MAGA crowd against him.  There is nothing like a failure to turn the rubes hostile.

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