Monday, March 25, 2019

The struggle for America's soul

So it begins.  As anyone who viewed William Barr's confirmation hearings in a dispassionate manner could have told you, the man would perform double backflips on a wire above Niagara Falls to put the best spin on the Mueller report.   The fact he could not completely exonerate the president* of obstruction of justice means he knows that at the very least parts of the report will eventually be released.  I, along with many fellow countrymen hoped Robert Mueller was the deus ex machina which would end the tRump reign of idiocy.  Knowing there will never be 67 votes in the Senate to remove Cheetolini barring a taped phone call with Putin in which the two conspired directly to steal the 2016 election, I baselessly hope the former FBI director would save America from itself.  However, despite a word by word reading of Barr's obviously flawed summary which pundits claim reveals The Donald's guilt for betraying the country, it looks like it will be up to an informed citizenry to defeat the GOP and its nominee next November in what I hope will be free and fair elections.  Until then, it will be up to various House investigative committees to give this administration the proctologist's exam it so truly needs.

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