Thursday, March 21, 2019

Tired of the BS, Beto

It's been a trying day in the produce business, but in between crises, I took time to read the latest political tea leaves and if anything I'm crankier now than I was at noon.  It seems the pundits are already framing the democratic race for the presidential nomination as Biden vs. Beto, or as I would put it old BS vs. new BS.  Aside from his "Uncle Joe" persona honed for 8 years as Obama's gaffe prone sidekick, Biden has nothing new to add to the political dialogue.  He has a long record of kowtowing to the rich and a political philosophy which is exemplified by his support of Clarence Thomas over Anita Hill and his introduction of the bankruptcy bill which earned him the scorn of Elizabeth Warren.   It is just barely possible Biden has had a road to Damascus moment on these issues, but I doubt it.  Besides, he will be 78 in 2020.  Meanwhile, Beto seems to be positioning himself as the middle of the road white guy you probably would have voted for if he was running for city council.   I'm tired of democrats who preach how they'll bring us all together in  Kumbaya moment of reconciliation.  Sorry, we tried that for 8 years with a far better man and it was an utter failure.   We need a fighter and we need a woman.  Hopefully Beto will drop out of the race early enough to run for the senate next year.  The only way President Warren will save the world is with a solid Dem majority in the senior house.  Meanwhile, if Uncle Joe really wants to help his country he should go on an extended vacation.

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