Friday, March 22, 2019

Do the issues matter?

Facing an existential crisis which could lead to the extinction of most life on earth you would think the press and the public might be focusing on the issues and policies advocated by various presidential candidates.  Of course, you would be wrong.  Instead we are treated to a twitter war between tRump and the husband of his lying consigliere, Kellyanne Conway.  On the other side, the obsession is over Joe Biden's choice of a running mate.  Incidentally, Biden hasn't even declared yet.  Most people hoped that after the disastrous coverage of the 2016 election in which an obsession with Hillary's emails dominated all media platforms there would be a more measured coverage of real issues.  Instead, we might as well be treated to coverage of a run for student council president in the local school.  I'm afraid it will only get worse unless one of the major newspapers and/or television stations changes their focus and is rewarded by increased attention.  Then we may find out if the public is driving the media or vice versa.

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