Thursday, February 28, 2019

Can't look away

The media, as well as partisans on both sides will be unable to stop obsessing about Michael Cohen's testimony before the House Oversight Committee yesterday.  Aside from dissecting each question and answer and looking for clues that either exonerate or condemn Cohen's long time boss, we are all caught up in the drama of sin and redemption the president's* long time fixer personifies.  I remember John Dean's testimony during the Watergate hearings and the two events compare well.  Both men were lawyers who were disbarred for their transgressions.  Both were at one point fanatically devoted to their bosses and eventually had a road to Damascus moment where their misplaced devotion was revealed for a sham.  Both did or will do prison time.  However, the difference between them is Dean's testimony was eventually backed up by the White House tapes, while Cohen, unless he has recordings of incriminating telephone conversations with tRump, will have to rely on circumstantial evidence to prove criminality.  The other significant difference between the two events is the partisan nature of today's politics.  I doubt many republicans will cross the line and join the president's* accusers.   It would be electoral suicide.  But both sides will continue to obsess because neither can look away.

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