Friday, February 8, 2019


People across the North Country have awakened on successive days to reminders of ice storms past.  Although power remains on and trees are not toppling with tons of ice burdening them, roads remain slick and the chance of being injured in a fall remain high.  My eldest daughter called for assistance this morning as her car was unable to negotiate the fairly level exit from her driveway to the road.  All I could do was provide an alternative vehicle for the day and hope temps in the mid 40s will allow for enough ice melt to provide traction later in the day.  At least the sun is shining.  What inspired the post, however, is the realization that we may be in for much more of this horror before winter's end.  Normally we would be below freezing here for weeks at a time.  This year has seen wild swings between below zero temps and the mid 50s.   It is taking a toll on all who live in the area and climate change is only exacerbating the situation.

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