Friday, February 22, 2019

Late february blues

Trying to think of a single overarching idea to write about this morning just caused a headache.   I think it is late winter ennui.  I don't feel like another diatribe about the latest tRump atrocity will be fulfilling.  I am almost numb to the capacity for outrage.  Even the bloggers and columnists I rely on for inspiration seem to be  consumed by small concerns.  Elizabeth Warren's child care policy proposal should be something to cheer, especially as I see my daughters' struggle with day care options.  Likewise, Bernie Sanders' newfound foreign policy chops should be interesting also.  Reestablishing America as a beacon of democracy around the world is a worthwhile endeavor.  So is the Green New Deal, which after an initial media sensation has virtually disappeared from the national discourse, except as a right wing epithet.  As the nation holds its collective breath and we wait for Bob Mueller to either deliver or condemn us, maybe it is time to focus on the coming summer and the small things which make life more bearable.

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