Monday, February 18, 2019

The billionaire conundrum

It seems billionaires come in all philosophies; from those who would seem to be leftists decrying their own wealth to those who would steal a nickel from a toddler to add to their stash.  Americans in general are bi-polar about wealth.  After all, the popularity of the mega million lotteries show that the vast majority of us would at least like to try living like we imagine the wealthy must live.  The contrast is most evident when we compare the philanthropy of Bill and Melinda Gates with the rapacious attitude of the Koch brothers.  The Gates Foundation which is also supported by Warren Buffet spends billions promoting healthcare around the world, but especially in the poorest countries.  As Dylan Matthews points out in Vox, even if the US government confiscated Gates' and Buffet's fortunes, we instinctively know it would not be spent on third world healthcare.  As Matthews points out, there are many inequality reducing plans being put forward by Democratic presidential candidates and none of them would do away with billionaires.  The best plans would probably make it harder to amass that kind of wealth and ensure a more just society, but the wealthy have always been with us and the questions that wealth vs. the common good raise will continue to bedevil our discourse.

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