Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Bloviating by the numbers

I did not watch most of the "State of the Union" last night because every time I tuned in I wanted to hurl large blunt objects at the screen, but the commentators who did watch assured me it was about what one would expect from the toddler in chief.   Reading mostly from the teleprompter, tRump assured us we are simultaneously living in a hellscape of crumbling institutions and enjoying the "greatest economy in history".  Also we cannot have peace and legislation if we insist on investigating this administration and its lawlessness, because then we will have war, whatever that means.  All in all, it was probably no worse than many presidents have done, although there was little or no policies advanced and few facts to check.  Fortunately we will only have to suffer one more of these ego enhancing diversions before a new president shoulders the duty.

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