Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Kale festival!

Just when I was all set to grumble about the latest or a previous atrocity visited upon us by the tRump administration, I was attracted to a headline in the NYT regarding kale festivals in Germany.  Surely the originators of the bacchanalian Oktoberfest wouldn't be pushing the virtues of one of the healthiest vegetables on earth!  But of course they do.  After strolling for 2 or 3 miles through the frozen countryside of northeastern Germany near the North Sea, the hardy festival goers descend on a restaurant chosen to host the merriment.   There they feast on the locally grown brassica.  However, there is a distinctly Teutonic twist to the vegetable's preparation.   It is cooked in pork fat and served with a locally produced sausage, thereby destroying any health benefits the kale may have bestowed.  Add to this indignity the cooking time is measured in hours which also ensures very little of the native vitamins remain.  But it's all in good fun.  Besides, I can't imagine something similar taking place in the US, so happy grunkohl day!

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