Thursday, February 7, 2019

Paying with interest

The post title refers to two things happening simultaneously.  First, many people have filed their taxes, expecting to get a refund.  Instead, thanks to Paul Ryan and the tRump administration they are getting a bill instead.  While not quite as nefarious as would be supposed (the change in withholding actually gave most people a small weekly increase in their paychecks at the expense of a year end refund) the lack of a refund which many people budget for is pissing off many taxpayers, even tRump supporters!  The other payment refers to democrats and their position in Virginia where, if they follow through with their zero tolerance policy for racism and sexual assault it will likely cause them to lose the governorship of Virginia.  Since republicans have no scruples (see president Cheeto Jesus), they will gladly accept the chance to discomfit their rivals, even if it is demonstrated that the GOPer who becomes governor is a racist, homophobic, misogynist abortionist.

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