Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Weathering the storm

It looks like the North Country is in for another winter storm.  Our little outpost could get up to 15 inches of snow with an interval of sleet during the night to make things more interesting.  I get tired of saying this, but I truly hate winter.   One of the freak anomalies associated with climate change is this corner of the world will actually have severe winter weather probably for at least the balance of my life here on earth as a result of the breakdown of the polar vortex which will allow arctic weather to drop into our latitude on a regular basis.  Ironically, this cold weather occurring over the northern US encourages politicians to downplay the disastrous impacts of climate change around the world.  After all, if you can have a snowball fight in D.C. in February, surely there is no urgency to deal with the "crisis" of global warming.  Tell that to an island dweller in the Marianas, whose house is invaded by the sea at every high tide.  Or closer to home where Miami Beach and New Orleans are one storm away from being uninhabitable.

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