Friday, February 1, 2019

The kiss of death

Not since Brutus sidled over to Julius Ceasar and planted his lips on the tyrant's cheek has the endorsement of a candidate been so calculated.  David Brooks in today's NYT does the honors for Kamala Harris.  If I was her, I would be looking over my shoulder for the next several months.  Brooks professes admiration for Harris' upbringing and her choice to be a prosecutor in California and says the experience will make her more than tRump's equal when it comes to political brawling.  What Brooks doesn't say and is doubtless saving for future columns is the candidate's stands on policy issues.  On everything from reproductive rights and  healthcare to civil rights, Harris' views are anathema to Brooks and his admirers.  So, it would seem he will push her candidacy until it becomes viable, then in typical Bo Bo fashion he will regretfully announce she is far to radical for Murca in 2020.  

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