Friday, February 1, 2019

Time to kill the filibuster

Having thought about this issue over time, it seems to me it is time to kill the legislative filibuster that requires 60 votes to bring any substantial matter before the Senate.  The performance of Mitch McConnell and his merry band during the Obama administration is reason enough.   Although the blue dog democrats who killed the single payer option proposed for Obamacare is another.   Assuming Elizabeth Warren or Kamala Harris is elected in 2020, any progressive legislation they may propose is DOA in the Senate, even assuming the democrats are in the majority.  Even if by some wild chance in the wake of criminal charges brought against tRump the party manages to get 60 democrats elected, do you think every one of them will be on board with a charge toward even a moderate social democracy.  You may get 51 dems to agree we need to tax the rich to deal with rampant inequality, but not 60.   It's time to retire the filibuster and make the Senate a more representative body.

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