Thursday, January 31, 2019

The big left turn

Now that it is necessary for any legitimate democratic presidential candidate to espouse healthcare for all, $15.00/hr. minimum wage, progressive taxation and any number of right wing shibboleths, how does the party cobble together a winning message.  All the aforementioned points are wildly popular with the American in the street, but the media gatekeepers will focus on whatever divisions they can find to craft their "dems in disarray narrative.  I think this is the campaign to bring out the slogan from Bill Clinton's first campaign, namely, " it's the economy stupid".   While the economic indicators look vastly different from 1992, the economy today is only working for a pretty small minority of very wealthy people.  As the lower middle class tips into the working poor and even a degree from a state university is no longer a passport to a comfortable life, we need the democrats to come up with programs that address the crushing inequality we see today.  We don't need Howard Schultz to tell us how anyone can become a billionaire.

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