Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Now is the time...

It is past time for all men of good will to contemplate the reality of a woman president of these United States.  It seems democratic primary voters will have a veritable smorgasbord of female choices next year.  So far, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand have jumped into the contest and many more are not far behind in announcing candidacies.  There is even talk of an all woman ticket.   Gillibrand in particular is a challenging figure in the race to unseat the moron who now occupies the Oval Office.   She has explicitly pushed woman power as a senator, most notably in her campaign to force the resignation of Al Franken from the senate after allegations he groped women surfaced.  Men and women have tiptoed around the subject of the patriarchy and the subjugation of women which is its implicit goal, but Gillibrand has taken the gender hierarchy on in a way no other woman in a position of power has up to now.   She has alienated many of the party's megadonors, including George Soros.  Many women who support feminism in many respects are turned off by her strident appeals to overturn the dominance of men in politics, business and life in general.  My own mother has said she would never vote for Gillibrand, although if faced with a choice between her and tRump I believe she would do the right thing.  While she is a longshot to win the Dem nod for president, Gillibrand's run will shine a light on a subject which is mostly acknowledged by silence.  As the father of 3 women and grandfather to 2 young ladies, I hope Ms. Gillibrand is able to widen their horizons.

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