Wednesday, January 30, 2019

It may never be Mueller time

As the Mueller investigation grinds on with continuing indictments and hints of more to come, masses of fans  continue to watch hours of MSNBC in the hope of hearing about the smoking gun which inevitably leads to the current resident of the Oval Office doing a perp walk.  I confess to being one of these along with the Divine Mrs. M.  However, I am starting to get the sinking feeling that even a recently fired sub-machine gun found in tRump's stubby fingers will not be enough to get rid of him.  As Mueller's team unearths more and more information and the president* gets even cozier with Putin, the goalposts continually recede.  The evidence already gathered would have lead to the impeachment of virtually any previous president, including St. Ronald.  However, The Donald remains popular with his base and both republicans and democrats are loathe to kick over that hornet's nest.  The final report on Russian meddling in the 2016 election will be devastating, but in the end, I don't think it will change many hearts and minds.

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