Tuesday, January 8, 2019

a wall of BS

Tonight, those Americans with a high tolerance for BS will be tuned in a 9 p.m. to listen to that virtual funnel of lies and misanthropy also know as the president*  of the US.  tRump will tell us the terrorists, drug smugglers and gang members are swarming across our southern border and will drag us out from under our beds and do unspeakable things to us and our loved ones if we don't approve of his border wall boondoggle.  He will undoubtedly use most of the 8 minutes he assures us will be all that is necessary to blame democrats for the government shutdown for which he originally claimed credit   The major networks have agreed to air this blatant partisan rant because of the "crisis" claimed by our supposed leader.  Meanwhile, they refused Obama's request for airtime 4 years ago to make a speech regarding racism as "too partisan".   In sports, this ploy is known as working the refs.  To have refused to carry tRump would have caused the conservative media complex to have a collective stroke.  So instead we will be treated to another wall.   Total BS.

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